OpenAI Updates macOS ChatGPT App to Encrypt User Conversations

TapTechNews July 4th news, developer Pedro Vieito posted a status on the Thread platform 2 days ago, stating that the macOS version of the ChatGPT application would store user conversations in plain text. OpenAI responded today, saying that it has updated its application and encrypted the chat records stored on Mac devices.

TapTechNews reported on June 26th that OpenAI has released a ChatGPT chatbot application suitable for the Apple macOS system.

OpenAI said that the macOS version of ChatGPT will seamlessly integrate into users' daily operations, natively support the Mac system, and provide a convenient shortcut key (Option + space bar) to allow users to start the application anytime, anywhere.

Users can easily interact with the chatbot and can choose to attach files, photos, and screenshots to their messages for ChatGPT to use these materials for understanding and creation.

The developer Pedro Vieito found that the macOS version of ChatGPT is not sandboxed and stores all conversations in plain text in an unprotected location.

OpenAI Updates macOS ChatGPT App to Encrypt User Conversations_0

For users, others can find the content of your conversation with ChatGPT through the Library > Application Support > of the ChatGPT application.

Since the conversation is stored in plain text outside the sandbox, it also means that without the user's knowledge, the conversation can be accessed by other applications, processes, or even malicious software running on the Mac.

Related readings:

OpenAI's ChatGPT Mac version application has been opened to all users and supports voice conversations.

ChatGPT starts the macOS public beta version download: shortcut key start, supports screen recognition and answering questions.
