Apple iOS18 Brings New Features

TapTechNews June 13th news, Apple brought a brand new iOS18 system at the WWDC2024 Global Developers Conference held in the early morning of June 11th, bringing more flexible personalized layout adjustments.

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TapTechNews noticed that in the iOS18 developer preview beta, the classic functions such as the shaking main screen icon following animation and the dark mode dimming wallpaper have returned, and are sorted out as follows:

Main screen shaking icon animation

Apple previously removed the iPhone main screen shaking and the desktop icon following positional animation in iOS17. At present, this function has returned in the iOS18 preview version, and the effect is as follows:

Dark mode dimming wallpaper

The iPhone previously had a dark mode dimming wallpaper function, which can avoid the problem of overly bright wallpaper background after entering the dark mode. This function was removed during the iOS16 period and has now returned in the iOS18 development preview version.

It should be noted that this function is only available in the dark icon or colored icon mode, and the effect is as follows:

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