Volkswagen's Stand on EU's Tariff Plan on Chinese EVs

TapTechNews June 13th, Ralf Brandstaetter, Chairman and CEO of Volkswagen Group (China), restated this afternoon his firm stance of the Volkswagen Group on the matter that the EU is about to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.

Brandstaetter pointed out that free and fair trade is the foundation for global prosperity, employment security and sustainable growth. Protectionism and isolationism will only backfire.

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He believes that the EU's decision may lead to many chain reactions and even retaliatory measures, resulting in an escalation of trade conflicts, which is undoubtedly more harmful than beneficial for the global automotive industry. Brandstaetter also called on the European Commission, saying that it should use the second half of this year (time) to further consult with China and jointly seek solutions to promote free trade.

Brandstaetter said he was fully confident in his products and innovation capabilities, so the Volkswagen Group has always been actively facing the increasingly fierce international competitive environment, including the competition from the Chinese market as well. We see this as an opportunity to further forge our core competitiveness and benefit more customers.

According to a previous report by TapTechNews, Volkswagen officials said yesterday, In the long run, anti-subsidy duties are generally not suitable for enhancing the competitiveness of the European automotive industry. The timing of the European Commission's decision is not conducive to the currently weak demand for pure electric vehicles in Germany and Europe... The negative impact of this decision outweighs any potential benefits to the European, especially the German, automotive industry.

SAIC, which has a joint venture with Volkswagen, also said today that it was deeply concerned and regretted this decision, and stated that it will take all necessary legal and commercial measures in the future to effectively protect its legitimate rights and interests and the interests of global customers.
