Windows 11 24H2 Preview Update PcaWallpaperAppDetect Error

TapTechNews May 30th news, many users who have upgraded to the Windows 11 24H2 preview version update around the world reported that the system pops up the PcaWallpaperAppDetect error.

 Windows 11 24H2 Preview Update PcaWallpaperAppDetect Error_0

TapTechNews attached the error message as follows:

Error in C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\PcaSvc.dll

Missing entry: PcaWallpaperAppDetect

On the Microsoft support forum, many users who have upgraded to Windows 11 24H2 reported encountering this problem:

I found this problem on multiple PCs running 24H2 (ReleasePreviewRing), but this problem occurs randomly, usually after waking up from sleep mode or after logging in.

I also randomly got the same error on the two PCs I upgraded to 24h2.

I got this situation on all the 24H2 I installed. I don't think there's anything to worry about. It's just a bug that Microsoft missed and hopefully will be fixed soon.

According to Windows Insider Dypsis, the error is triggered by the PcaWallpaperAppDetect task in the task scheduler, and deleting this task can fix the error.

The PcaWallpaperAppDetect task can be found in the following path:

Task Scheduler Library\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Application Experience

As for why this task appears, there is no definite conclusion. Some people think it's PowerToys, but some users reported that this task also appears in the absence of installing PowerToys.

 Windows 11 24H2 Preview Update PcaWallpaperAppDetect Error_1

Deleting the PcaWallpaperAppDetect task can fix the error without affecting any important operations related to the operating system.
