Chinese Tech Companies' Success in Central Enterprise Computer Procurement

TapTechNews August 1st news, Loongson中科 announced today that recently, a large central enterprise group released the public notice of the shortlisted candidates for the 2024-2026 computer centralized procurement project. 8000 desktop computers and laptops based on Loongson 3A5000 and 3A6000 were successfully shortlisted. This tender adopts a sub-bid section method with a total of 5 bid sections, and Loongson is in Bid Section One.

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In addition, on July 26th, Zhaoxin officially announced that in the 2024-2026 computer centralized procurement project of a large domestic power backbone central enterprise, desktop computers and laptops based on the Zhaoxin processor platform were successfully shortlisted. The number of Zhaoxin computers shortlisted this time is 24,000, but the specific model has not been disclosed by the official.

Phytium announced on July 25th that in the 2024-2026 computer centralized procurement project tender of a certain large power backbone central enterprise, 24,000 desktop terminals based on the Phytium Tengrui D2000 processor were successfully shortlisted.

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TapTechNews found that China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced the bid-winning result announcement of the 2024-2026 computer centralized procurement project on July 22nd, which happened to be 5 bid sections. The official website of CNNC shows that the group is a state-owned key enterprise directly managed by the central government and approved by the State Council. It is the main force in China's nuclear energy development and nuclear power construction, and has built five nuclear power bases such as Tianwan, Qinshan, Sanmen, Fuqing, and Changjiang from north to south.

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Subsequently, TapTechNews found according to the relevant bid-winning company names that the Zhejiang Hongwei Supply Chain Group Co., Ltd. in Bid Section Five is a Huawei industry agent, and the Kirin technology route won the bid in Bid Section Five, and the winning amount is close to 100 million.

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