Microsoft Launches OCR Function for Android Phone Photos on Windows

TapTechNews reported on June 21 that Microsoft has openly launched the OCR function to extract text from Android phone photos for all Windows 10 and Windows 11 users today.

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TapTechNews reported in May this year that Microsoft invited members of the Windows Insider project to test the preview version of Phone Link, which can OCR recognize the picture content in Android phones.

Phone Link is an App officially produced by Microsoft for connecting Android/iOS and Windows devices. Currently, users can directly view the phone screen, album, send text messages and make phone calls on the Windows PC through this App.

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After Windows 10 and Windows 11 users update the Phone Link now, they will find the new Text option (proudly called ScanText in the preview version), and users can also use the Ctrl+T shortcut key to enable this feature.

After the user clicks the Text button, they can call the OCR function to recognize all the text content in the picture, which is convenient for users to copy the file, bank card number and other information in the picture.

However, it should be noted that currently this OCR function mainly supports English, and is not particularly friendly to the recognition of other languages, and many contents cannot be recognized. Microsoft is expected to further optimize in the future version updates.

Related reading:

Microsoft's Phone Link preview version App launched the OCR function, allowing users to copy text from photos.
