realme Tops as Favorite Smartphone Brand Among Young Indians

TapTechNews June 13, according to a survey by CounterpointResearch of young Indian consumers (aged 16-25), realme has become the most popular smartphone brand among young Indians with a 58% approval rating, while Xiaomi and vivo follow closely behind at 54% and 53% respectively.

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According to the survey report on June 12, cost-effectiveness, latest technology, and quality have become the top three factors that Indians consider when purchasing a smartphone, accounting for 25%, 18%, and 16% respectively. And the realme brand uses young, modern, trendy play, speed, etc. as its brand promotion words, which is in perfect alignment with the needs of Indian users.

In the mobile phone market under 20,000 rubles (TapTechNews note: currently about 249 US dollars), the young user group particularly focuses on the product's cost-effectiveness and has a strong longing for the latest technology, and their attention to these factors far exceeds that of other consumers.

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In February this year, data research firm IDC released a 2023 annual report for the Indian smartphone market. The report shows that after experiencing a wide range of declines last year, the realme brand still accounted for a third place in the Indian market with a 12.5% market share.
