Ideal Auto's Intelligent Driving in the Rainstorm and Future Plans

TapTechNews June 13th news, in the early morning of today, Li Xiang, the founder of Ideal Auto, shared a road test video on Weibo, showing the intelligent driving ability of Ideal Auto in a rainstorm.

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In the video, the lane lines displayed by Ideal Intelligent Driving are still clearly visible, and a brief description of the test scene situation is given. The relevant personnel in the test also specifically emphasized that really no map was used. Currently, it is not clear which specific model and version were tested in the video.

TapTechNews noticed that Li Xiang revealed at the 2024 China Auto Chongqing Forum held on June 8th that Ideal Auto will launch the national map-free NOA in the third quarter of this year. Therefore, what is shown in the video is likely the Ideal map-free NOA that is still in the internal testing stage, and the current test range has been expanded to 10,000 people.

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In addition, Ideal Auto will also simultaneously launch an end-to-end + VLM (Visual Language Model) supervised autonomous driving system trained from 3 million Clips (pre-trained model) to test users in the third quarter of this year. By the end of this year to the beginning of next year, a supervised autonomous driving system trained with more than 10 million Clips will be launched.

Based on this system, Li Xiang believes that with the evolution of technology and the increase of computing power, unsupervised L4-level autonomous driving will be achieved within three years.
