NVIDIA's H100 GPU Dominates AI Market with New Records in MLPerf Test

NVIDIA's H100 GPU remains dominant in the AI market, with no rivals threatening its leading position at present. It has set several new records again in the latest MLPerf benchmark test.

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TapTechNews Note: MLPerf is one of the mainstream benchmarks for measuring the performance of AI chips. This platform has newly launched new test items specifically for fine-tuning large language models and graph neural networks (GNN), and NVIDIA H100 has set multiple records.

Fine-tuning refers to adjusting the parameters of a pre-trained model by conducting additional training on a specific task to make it better suited for that task.

In this test, 11616 NVIDIA H100 GPUs were used and achieved the highest performance in the latest 9 tests and set new records in 5 of them.

Competitors such as Google and Intel also participated in this test. Google's TPU system has significantly improved in speed, and Intel's GPU has also made obvious progress, but its performance still lags behind NVIDIA.

NVIDIA said that due to several software optimizations, the time for training GPT-3 has been reduced by 27% compared to the June 2023 benchmark test. These optimizations include better use of 8-bit floating-point arithmetic, more efficient power management of the computing engine, and improved communication between GPUs.

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