Survey Adoption and Challenges of AI in Japanese Enterprises

TapTechNews July 20th news, on the 18th local time, Reuters and Nikkei Research jointly released a survey. The results showed that among the 506 companies surveyed, nearly one-fourth of the companies have adopted artificial intelligence in their businesses, but still more than 40% of the companies have no plans to utilize this cutting-edge technology.

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TapTechNews learned from the survey results that about 24% of the respondents said they have introduced AI technology in their business, 35% of the respondents said they have plans to introduce, and the remaining 41% of the respondents do not have such plans yet, indicating that the acceptance degree of technological innovation among Japanese enterprises varies.

When asked about the purpose of adopting AI, 60% of the respondents said it was to deal with labor shortage, 53% of the respondents said it was to reduce labor costs, and 36% of the respondents said it was to accelerate R & D.

A manager of a transportation company mentioned when talking about what factors hinder the introduction of AI by enterprises, employees are anxious about possible layoffs. Facing the same problem, respondents from different enterprises gave different answers, such as lack of professional technical knowledge, large capital expenditures, and concerns about reliability.

The survey also showed that 15% of the respondents have suffered from cyber attacks in the past year, and 9% of the respondents' business partners have suffered from cyber attacks in the same period. When asked about losses, 23% of the respondents said that they or their business partners suffered from cyber attacks and business was temporarily interrupted, and 4% of the respondents said they suffered from information leakage.
