Sony Announces 'Silent Hill 2 Remake' Release Date and Platforms

TapTechNews May 31st news, in the ongoing State of Play 2024 event, Sony announced that the game 'Silent Hill 2: Remake' will be released on October 8th and land on the PS5 platform (TapTechNews note: The official didn't state whether it will land on PC).

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According to the introduction, the game 'Silent Hill 2: Remake' is developed by BlooberTeam and was officially announced in 2022. This work is led by the famous veterans of the series, such as Ito Nobunaga, Yamaoka Akira, and Okamoto Motoki.

The main development team, BlooberTeam, previously claimed in an interview that the game will 'bring a top-level visual feast, comparable to the 'Resident Evil' series remake', and bring 'Japanese dubbing', 'ore realistic facial expression details of characters', 'completely remade enemy AI', '4K material support'. Therefore, some players also call this game '4K high-definition remake of Silent Hill'.

Real in-game screenshots:

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