Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of 'Marvel Rivals' in July 2024

TapTechNews May 31st. In the State of Play 2024 event held today, Marvel Games announced that the PlayStation 5 version of the game Marvel Rivals (MarvelRivals) will enter closed beta in July 2024.

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_0

Marvel Rivals is a 6v6 free-to-play PvP game jointly developed by NetEase and Marvel Games (MarvelGames). It has previously been announced to land on the PC platform, and in this event, the official announced that it will land on the PlayStation 5 platform, and there are a total of 19 hero/villain characters for players to choose from. TapTechNews attaches relevant videos and pictures as follows:

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_1

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_2

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_3

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_4

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_5

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_6

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_7

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_8

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in 
July 2024_9

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_10

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_11

 Marvel Games to Launch PlayStation 5 Version of Marvel Rivals' in July 2024_12

Related reads:

Marvel Heroes Brawl, NetEase x Marvel Officially Announced 6v6 Third-Person Shooter Game Marvel Rivals
