Automatic Renewal Mechanism of Apps in China Tricks and Protections

TapTechNews June 30th news, currently there are "tricks" in the automatic renewal mechanism of many Apps, and many users often easily subscribe to various services "mysteriously", or when canceling the monthly subscription, can't find a clear cancellation entry and need to go through cumbersome steps to terminate the renewal fee.

In order to strengthen the protection of consumers' rights and interests, the Implementing Regulations of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests will be implemented on July 1st (tomorrow). Article 10 of this regulation stipulates that when business operators provide services in the way of automatic renewal and automatic renewal of fees, etc., they shall, before consumers accept the services and before the dates of automatic renewal and automatic renewal of fees, etc., draw consumers' attention in a prominent way.

The implementation of relevant regulations will effectively simplify the process for consumers to safeguard their rights and interests. In the future, when consumers encounter the problem of unauthorized automatic renewal, they will be able to defend their rights and interests more conveniently.

According to a previous report by TapTechNews, in the press conference on the development situation of industry and information technology in the first half of 2023, Zhao Zhiguo, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, stated that it will focus on rectifying the pain points such as deceptive and misleading downloads, and forced automatic renewal fees that users have prominently reflected.

In addition, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Regulations was officially implemented on January 1st this year. Regarding the issue of automatic renewal fees, this Regulation requires:

Network transaction operators that provide services in the way of automatic renewal and automatic renewal of fees must obtain the consent of consumers, and cannot default to勾选, force bundling to open;

Before consumers open the service, they must inform consumers about the content of the service, the amount and method of deduction in a prominent and clear language;

During the service period, provide consumers with a convenient way to cancel or change the service at any time;

5 days before the dates of automatic renewal and automatic renewal of fees, the content of the service, the amount of deduction and other matters shall be informed to consumers through effective channels such as telephone, SMS, instant messaging tools, e-mail, and message push.
