Sigmund Judge Made Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro 'Black and White'

TapTechNews May 20th news, Sigmund Judge, a podcaster and an enthusiast of Apple TV, released an update yesterday, which took more than 5 hours, and finally made the Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro achieve the 'black and white' effect.

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TapTechNews checked the Apple China official website. There are only two colors, black and white, for the aluminum Magic Keyboard suitable for the new iPad Pro. But different from the Apple TV remote controller, the keycaps of the white keyboard are also white instead of black.

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Judge bought black and white Magic Keyboards in order to make the new iPad Pro more in line with the style of the Apple TV remote controller, and then spent more than 5 hours gradually replacing the keycaps.

Judge said that although he doesn't recommend buying 2 Magic Keyboards, the white keys on the white aluminum keyboard bothered him a lot. He also released a photo of the project in progress. Generally speaking, it is not difficult to pull the keycaps from one keyboard to another with some tools, but if the operation is not careful, parts may be damaged.

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