China's Largest Single-unit Hydrogen Production Equipment Offline

TapTechNews May 19th news, TapTechNews learned from the 718th Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation that the offline ceremony of the domestic largest single-unit hydrogen production capacity of 3000 Nm³/h water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment was held at the 718th Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation this Friday.

The single-unit hydrogen production capacity of 3000 Nm³/h water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment put into use this time was independently developed by CSSC (Handan)派瑞 Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. under the 718th Research Institute. It has broken through many cutting-edge technologies such as high power, high current density, wide load, and low power consumption. The operating current density has increased by 17%, the weight of the tank has decreased by 13%, and the hydrogen production system has the dynamic adjustment ability of 30% to 110%. The energy consumption reaches the national first-class energy efficiency standard, which can significantly improve the single-unit production capacity and reduce the production investment and operating costs.

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This equipment has also broken through many cutting-edge scientific problems and core key technologies, realizing the leap from a single-unit hydrogen production capacity of 2000 Nm³/h (standard cubic meters per hour) to 3000 Nm³/h, which is of great significance for our country to accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system.

In January this year, the full-capacity grid-connected power generation of the Narrissong photovoltaic hydrogen production industry demonstration project in Zhungeer Banner, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, which was contracted by China Energy Construction Jiangsu Electric Power Construction No.1 Company. This project is the first batch of wind-solar hydrogen production integration demonstration projects in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and also the first ten-thousand-ton-level new energy hydrogen production project in China. In addition, in March this year, Sinopec, in conjunction with dozens of leading hydrogen energy enterprises in China, released the first group standard of the Technical Guide for Hydrogen Production and Hydrogenation Integrated Station in China.
