VinFast's New Micro Pure Electric Car VF3 Gains Popularity

TapTechNews May 19th news, Vietnam's 'new energy vehicle force' VinFast recently announced that within 66 hours after the release of its new model - the micro pure electric car VF3, it has received 27,649 non-refundable and non-transferable firm orders, which is the one with the largest number of orders among all new cars in Vietnam.

According to foreign media insideevs' report today, VinFast has set up an online reservation page and also reached cooperation with multiple local e-commerce platforms. Not only that, this new car will also enter the US market.

The production work of the new car will also'soon' start, and it is planned to make the first batch of deliveries in the local area in August. VinFast said that its goal is to deliver at least 20,000 VF3 by the end of this year.

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TapTechNews summarizes the general information of this car as follows:

The starting price of this car is 322 million Vietnamese dong (TapTechNews note: currently about 13,000 US dollars), and users can also choose the 'battery rental' plan without battery, and the price is further reduced to 235 million Vietnamese dong (currently about 9,000 US dollars).

The size of this car is 3190x1679x1622mm, with a wheelbase of 2075mm, and it adopts a two-door four-seat layout. In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a 32kW rear-wheel drive motor with a maximum torque of 110 Nm. The NEDC operating range is 130 miles (about 210 kilometers), and the capacity of the lithium-ion battery pack is 18.64 kWh. The charging time from 10% to 70% of the power is 36 minutes.

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