Valve's New Third-Person Mystery FPS Game Under Deadlock

TapTechNews June 2nd, recently there have been continuous news about the third-person mystery FPS new game under Valve Corporation's Deadlock. Currently, a Reddit user has found that Valve applied for the relevant game trademark on May 30th, and this application has been accepted by the US Patent and Trademark Office but has not yet been approved. This indicates that the game is not far away from us and is expected to be officially announced in activities such as the recent Summer Game Festival.

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Referring to TapTechNews' previous reports, Deadlock has recently appeared in the SteamDB database with an AppID of 1422450. This game is similar to games like Overwatch, incorporates tower defense elements, and has a unique art style that combines fantasy and steampunk. It is said to adopt a 6v6 team competitive gameplay, and players can control characters with unique skills to fight.

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Valve's co-founder and CEO Gabe Newell stated in 2021 that the company has multiple games under development, and after the release of Half-Life: Alyx, they are eager to create more single-player game experiences. The most recent game released by Valve was last year's Counter-Strike 2. Before that, Valve mainly focused on VR games for many years. It is reported that in recent years, Valve has also developed and cancelled dozens of game projects.
