iFlytek's XF Spark V4.0 in the Works, Expected Release in June 2024

TapTechNews on June 2nd, iFlytek disclosed when answering a netizen's question on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Interactive Easy platform that the XF Spark V4.0 benchmarking against the current capabilities of GPT-4 is under training and is expected to be released by the end of June 2024, and the product benchmarking against GPT-4o is under research and development.

iFlytek said that the company will closely combine the evolution and breakthrough of artificial intelligence and continuously apply the achievements to every product in smart education to continuously improve the user experience and customer penetration of the products.

iFlyteks XF Spark V4.0 in the Works, Expected Release in June 2024_0

In April this year, Liu Qingfeng, the chairman of iFlytek, once disclosed that on June 27 this year, XF Spark V4.0 will be officially released.

Liu Qingfeng said at that time that the general long text ability of the Spark model (Note by TapTechNews: XF Spark Model V3.5), including long document information extraction, long document knowledge Q&A, long document summarization, long document text generation, etc., has generally reached 97% of the level of the latest long text version of GPT-4 Turbo in April this year, and in many vertical fields of knowledge Q&A tasks, the long text overall level of the Spark model has exceeded that of GPT-4 Turbo.

iFlyteks XF Spark V4.0 in the Works, Expected Release in June 2024_1

Related Reading:

XF Spark Model V3.5 Spring Update, V4.0 Officially Announced to Be Released on June 27.
