Qunar Announces Mixed Office Policy for Employees

TapTechNews July 9th news, Chen Gang, the CEO of Qunar, sent an all-staff letter announcing that from July 15th (next Monday) onwards, every Wednesday and Friday, employees can flexibly choose the workplace. Chen Gang specifically emphasized that employees work in a mixed mode as stipulated, without any application and approval required.

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TapTechNews learned from the official of Qunar that the applicable personnel range of mixed office is mainly formal employees with standard working hours who have been on board for more than 6 months.

Last October, Qunar started a 9-month mixed office experiment. The recovered data shows that the employees' feedback on various dimensions of mixed office is positive - more than 90% of the employees believe that the happiness has significantly improved after mixed office, and the voluntary turnover rate of employees has decreased by 30% after mixed office.

Liu Lianchun, the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Qunar, said that mixed office has not made the company's performance worse, and has significantly improved the happiness of employees. Then why wouldn't the company do this? He emphasized that mixed office will not affect the performance and promotion of employees.

Liu Lianchun also mentioned that Qunar is a travel company and hopes that employees will go out and play more, especially front-line employees, and go to experience more. The initial threshold of being able to play is very high, which requires you to be creative and have an in-depth understanding of this destination. Many great products are created during vacations.

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