Windows 11's Market Share Changes and Windows 10's Future

According to TapTechNews on June 2, based on the data of the statistical agency Statcounter, in the past two months, Microsoft's latest operating system Windows 11 seems to have encountered some setbacks, with users losing and the market share of Windows 10 significantly increasing, making Windows 11 the only modern version system that experiences a user decline in the mid-cycle.

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However, positive signs emerged in May. The latest report from Statcounter shows that the market share of Windows 11 rebounded to 27.76%, increasing by 1.33 percentage points compared to April. Compared to the same period last year, the share of Windows 11 also achieved a growth of 4.81 percentage points (22.95% in May 2023). Correspondingly, the share of Windows 10 dropped again after rebounding. The share that had好不容易climbed to more than 70% in April lost some users in May and is currently at 68.34%.

TapTechNews attached the specific market share situation of each version of Windows system in May as follows:

Windows10 - 68.34% (-1.69 percentage points)

Windows11 - 27.76% (+1.33 percentage points)

Windows7 - 2.86% (+0.05 percentage points)

Windows8.1 - 0.43%

WindowsXP - 0.37% (+0.04 percentage points)

It is worth noting that the ancient system Windows XP that has been out of support for more than ten years can still appear in the statistical data of Statcounter, which is really surprising. The data source of Statcounter is the systems with modern Internet connections, so the appearance of Windows XP seems a bit strange.

It should be noted that Windows 10 is also about to enter the list of discontinued support. Microsoft plans to end the support for Windows 10 in October 2025 and has released a new support page to inform users of the news that Windows 10 is about to come to an end.
