Elon Musk to Restrict X Platform's Live Streaming

TapTechNews June 22nd news, Elon Musk is actively increasing the revenue of the X platform. After planning to charge a small fee to new users, it is about to restrict the live streaming function, and only users who have purchased the Premium subscription can enjoy this right.

 Elon Musk to Restrict X Platforms Live Streaming_0

The official @Live account of the X platform posted a post stating that free users will no longer have the right to live stream on this platform. Users who want to continue live streaming on the X must pay to subscribe to X Premium at $8 per month (TapTechNews note: currently about 58 RMB) and $84 per year (currently about 611 RMB).

X Premium can also use the blue mark and other exclusive functions such as creator subscriptions, larger posts, and fewer feed ads, etc. @Live said: This will take effect in the near future. Only Premium subscribers can live stream (create a live video stream) on the X platform. Users in need are recommended to purchase a Premium subscription.

The netizen responded:This will not make more users buy the Premium subscription, but only reduce the number of live streaming users.
