Google to Add Shopping Ads to AI Search Results in US

TapTechNews May 22nd news, according to Google's official press release, Google recently announced that it will add shopping ads to the AI search results in the US region, and the relevant content will have an 'ad' label. Google claims that these promotional contents will only appear when the 'prompt words' provided by advertisers match the 'prompt words' that users are looking for.

It is understood that, for example, if a user uses Google to search for a way to remove wrinkles from clothes, the AI will provide a series of solutions to help, and at the 'bottommost' it will recommend some advertised products provided by manufacturers. Google said that advertisers only need to provide prompt words to make the relevant content work and do not need to carry out 'extra, complex settings'.

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TapTechNews noticed that the relevant advertising plan was proposed by Liz Reid, the newly appointed search director of Google. He claimed that Google had previously conducted small-scale tests of relevant features and finally came to the conclusion that 'people are happy to see the advertising information above/below the AI summary because it is very helpful', so it decided to implement such advertising measures, but Google did not announce the specific launch date of the relevant features.

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