Major AI Upgrade for iPhone Apple Reportedly Close to a Deal with OpenAI, iOS18 to Feature ChatGPT

According to Bloomberge's Mark Gurman, Apple is close to finalizing a deal with OpenAI to provide generative AI features (such as chatbots) for this year's new iOS system. Also, Apple and Google are in ongoing negotiations about integrating the Gemini chatbot, though no agreement has been reached yet.

Insiders state that both parties have been finalizing terms for incorporating ChatGPT functionality into Apple's next-generation iPhone operating system iOS18. Due to the confidential nature of discussions, the source requested anonymity. While discussions remain active, no deals have been finalized between Apple and Google regarding licensing the latter's Gemini chatbot.

OpenAI announced a live stream to unveil some upgrades about ChatGPT on May 13th at 10:00 AM Pacific Time (TapTechNews Note: May 14th, 1:00 AM Beijing Time).

Moreover, insiders revealed that Apple is expected to showcase its progress in artificial intelligence at WWDC2024 next month, during which the company will unveil an improved version of its Siri voice assistant.
