Solving Problems and Mastering Advanced Uses of Word Tables

Article Author: Satellite Chan

Article Editor: Satellite Chan

Hello everyone! I am Satellite Chan~

Working with tables every day, I never thought I'd be betrayed by a table in Word!

Filling out a registration or sign-up form in this blue software can be infuriating!

Just when you're getting somewhere, the page suddenly changes, and no matter what, you can't scroll back up.

When there's a lot of content, you finish only to find Word has chopped off the last line and no matter what, it won't show up completely.

Or... some cells allow top alignment, while others insist on centering from the middle.

What to do?

This article will show you how to handle Problems and Advanced Applications of Word Tables.

1. Word Table Across Two Pages

All right, so it insists on occupying two pages!

Method One:

Select the entire table, click [Home] - [Paragraph], and in the [Line and Page Breaks] tab, check [Keep with next] and click [Okay].

The table will automatically fit into one page!

Method Two:

Insert a page break above the table, [Insert] - [Page] - [Break], to keep the table on the same page~

Method Three:

Inserting a section break has the same effect: [Layout] - [Page Setup] - [Breaks] - [Page Break], and it's sorted!

If all else fails, check if text wrapping is set: right-click - [Table Properties] - Text wrapping - [None].

2. Table Eating My Report

Table content overflows the page?

Select the table, [Table Tools] - [Layout] - [AutoFit to Window]:

Last row not displaying?

This is due to indentation.

Set indentation to 0 and that's it!

Or maybe you're facing this:

Select the table, right-click [Table Properties] - [Row], check [Specify height], and set the row height to [At least]~

This prevents text from being cut off!

3. A Stubborn Line Insists on Centering

Filling it out just fine, but suddenly one line starts in the middle... with lots of white space above, and you can't delete it!

Obviously, that cell is set to vertical center alignment!

We just change it to top align, and voilà~

Now, with these tips, you should not fear these problems anymore! There are many more clever uses of Word that I'll share with you next time.

Do you have other major issues with using Word tables, or some cool tips you'd like to share?

This article is from the WeChat public account: Autumn Leaf Excel (ID: excel100), written by Satellite Chan.
