Google Announces New Features for ChromeOS

TapTechNews May 28th news, Google today announced a series of brand new features that will soon land on ChromeOS, including "Help me read", Focus Mode and "Where was I?", etc.

The "Where was I?" (Where was I?) function will help users quickly resume their work status. The brand new overview interface will display all the windows, tabs and applications that the user has opened before. There will also be a new information bar at the bottom of the screen, showing the weather conditions (note: Fahrenheit), the recently opened Google Drive documents and the upcoming schedule. The "Welcome back" card will prompt users to "open the windows and applications of the last session" and provide corresponding previews, which may include web pages browsed after being collected from the phone. The cross-device suggestion function will help users seamlessly connect tasks between different operating systems. For example, users can start reading an article in the Chrome browser on an Android or Apple phone and then easily continue reading on a Chromebook.

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"Help me read" (Help me read) function allows users to easily obtain the summary of a web page or PDF document and can ask follow-up questions in a conversational way.

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Focus Mode will take the "Do Not Disturb" mode to a new level. Users can set a countdown and choose a specific YouTube music playlist or "Focus Sound" to avoid distractions.

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TapTechNews noticed that Google also demonstrated the Chromebook Plus "real-time transcription" function similar to PixelRecorder, as well as the "real-time translation" function suitable for watching videos and video calls.

Finally, Google demonstrated the ChromeOS "facial and gesture tracking" function based on the Android ProjectGameface. This function allows users to "write and send emails, open and use applications or browse the web without using a keyboard or downloading and managing third-party software." Although this function is still in the early stage of development, it will undoubtedly significantly enhance the accessible use experience of ChromeOS.
