Car blogger's video on Xiaomi SU7 vs Zeekr 007 collision sparks controversy and apology

TapTechNews August 14th news, the car blogger Gao Ruoxiang (ID: It turned out to be Xiangxiang ah) released a video named When Xiaomi SU7 collided with a Zeekr 007 yesterday, which attracted wide attention.

The blogger said that the windows and doors of Zeekr 007 can be opened after the collision, which is helpful for rescue. While after the collision of Xiaomi SU7, there was a situation of small battery power failure and the door could not be opened.

However, some scenes in the video triggered doubts. Netizens said there was a difference in the small battery of Xiaomi SU7 shown in the front and back scenes. Gao Ruoxiang responded that the battery was intact when removed, but was damaged by a forklift when loading into the truck.

In response, the blogger released another video tonight to explain and reflected and apologized for the problems in the previous video. TapTechNews attaches the original text of the apology statement:

Car bloggers video on Xiaomi SU7 vs Zeekr 007 collision sparks controversy and apology_0

In the video of When Xiaomi SU7 collided with a Zeekr 007... released before, we reflected and rechecked all the problems fed back by netizens one by one, and found a Xiaomi SU7 again in the past day to verify, and found that there might be a problem of loose plug installation in the treatment of the positive power line. And because we have no way to verify the actual tightening torque, the statement that the positive power line of the battery was knocked off is inaccurate, and this statement will affect the subsequent partial conclusion judgment, resulting in confusion and misguidance to the audience. Hereby, we sincerely apologize to Xiaomi Automobile and all friends who watched this content before.

After confirming the existence of the problem, we recorded the apology video at the first time and modified the previous version of the video. We will permanently pin this apology content and the link of the apology video in the comment area, and are willing to bear all the losses caused by this mistake.

Regarding the issue of the video stance, it also needs to be explained here. This issue contains no commercial elements and no enterprise has interfered with the content. We can accept any form of investigation for this. The original intention of making this video is that because some fans put forward this topic in the comment area before, in the spirit of satisfying the wishes of the fans as much as possible, we extracted a part from our annual content budget and finally produced this content. Of course, the problem does not lie in the topic put forward by the fans, but in that the rigor of the content is not the best, which is completely our own reason. We disappointed every fan. Sorry.

We also made deep reflection on this content. When facing professional content, we should maintain a more rigorous attitude to present the most real performance of each car completely to every audience. In the future, we will re-sort out the production process of all content to avoid every possible lack of rigor. For outdoor head-on collision and other content, because the details cannot be completely controlled, we will also give up the production of similar content and avoid some problems at the beginning of some projects.

For not being able to make the content 100% rigorous, I apologize to all audience friends again and to Xiaomi Automobile again, and thank you very much for all kinds of doubts in this event. Different voices can make us better discover our own problems.

Related reading:

The blogger released a video saying that the door of Xiaomi SU7 could not be opened after colliding with Zeekr 007, and Wang Hua said that relevant coll eagues are studying and judging.
