MSI Unveils New Flagship Gaming PC MEGVisionXAI at Computex Taipei 2024

TapTechNews June 5, MSI participates in Computex Taipei 2024 and displays a new flagship gaming PC named MEGVisionXAI.

 MSI Unveils New Flagship Gaming PC MEGVisionXAI at Computex Taipei 2024_0

 MSI Unveils New Flagship Gaming PC MEGVisionXAI at Computex Taipei 2024_1

This gaming console is an extension of the existing Vision series, adopting a very eye-catching surround glass design, and the internal components are clearly visible.

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The most attractive part is that a large-size touch screen is equipped on the front of this console. MSI staff introduced that it can synchronize with MSI's exclusive AI applications to further enhance various AI functions. TapTechNews attaches relevant pictures as follows:

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MSI has not explained more details at present. It can be seen from the shared pictures that a local AI chat bot is running on the screen, and users can interact with it and ask it to complete AI tasks and locate locally stored documents, etc.

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MSI staff also disclosed that this console will adopt "next-generation" components, possibly referring to the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 graphics card. MSI will announce the MEGVisionXAI plan before the end of this year.
