China's 5G Development and Future Plans

TapTechNews June 26 news, according to the China Securities Journal report, at the opening main forum of the 2024 Shanghai World Mobile Communication Congress (2024 MWC Shanghai) today, Zhao Zhiguo, the chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that as of the end of May 2024, The total number of 5G base stations built cumulatively in China has reached 3.837 million, accounting for 60% of the total number of 5G base stations in the world, and the number of 5G users accounts for more than 50% of the national mobile communication users, achieving gigabit access in every city, 5G access in every county, and broadband access in every village. China continues to promote the large-scale application of 5G, and the cumulative number of 5G application cases has exceeded 94,000. It has achieved large-scale application in industries such as industry, mining, electricity, ports, and healthcare. The number of 5G + industrial Internet projects under construction exceeds 13,000, and a number of 5G factories have been built, providing a Chinese solution for the sustainable digital transformation of the global manufacturing industry.

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Zhao Zhiguo indicated that it is necessary to promote the deep integration of 5G and the new generation of information technologies, especially artificial intelligence, systematically layout the research of 5G lightweight, 5G-A technology research, standard development and product development, accelerate the deployment of commercial use, and deeply carry out the research and development of key 6G technologies to lay a solid foundation for 6G standard setting and industrial development.

Zhao Zhiguo also mentioned that it is necessary to continuously promote the construction and deployment of communication facilities such as 5G gigabit optical network, accelerate the construction of the national integrated computing power system, vigorously promote the interconnection and interoperability of computing power, and optimize the rational layout of computing power resources; for industries such as industrial manufacturing, energy, and mines, create a number of digitization transformation application scenarios with strong industrial driving force and mature application models, accelerate replication and promotion, actively empower the development of emerging industries such as intelligent connected vehicles and low-altitude economy, and orderly promote the deployment and application of technologies such as integrated sensing and passive IoT to better match the scenes of the Internet of Everything and high-end manufacturing.

The 2024 MWC Shanghai is held in Shanghai, China from June 26 to June 28, and TapTechNews will follow up on the follow-up news of the conference.
