COMAC's C919 Aircraft Campus Tour in China

TapTechNews May 22nd news, according to the official news of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC), the opening ceremony of the third Domestic Commercial Aircraft Campus Tour event was held today in the auditorium of the North Campus of Civil Aviation University of China.

In this tour event, COMAC brought the C919 aircraft to the campus for the first time, providing the teachers and students with the opportunity to experience the domestic large aircraft and have an in-depth understanding of it.

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The deputy secretary of the Party Committee and director of COMAC, Tan Wangeng, expressed his gratitude to Civil Aviation University of China for its long-term support and paid tribute to the teachers and students who care about and support the large aircraft cause. He pointed out that Civil Aviation University of China, as the highest institution for civil aviation talent training in China, has cultivated a large number of professional technical and scientific and technological innovation talents for the civil aviation system. With the increasingly prosperous operation ecosystem of domestic aircraft, the cooperation between the company and Civil Aviation University of China in aspects such as talent exchange has been continuously strengthened, and more than 600 graduates of Civil Aviation University of China are active in the research and development and operation support front line of the domestic large aircraft project. Sincerely hope that all the prospective civil aviation people can continue to strive and closely combine their knowledge, expertise and career development with the strategy of building a strong civil aviation country and the strategy of large aircraft to make new contributions to enhancing the competitiveness of domestic civil aircraft and promoting the development of new-quality productive forces.

TapTechNews learned from the official of COMAC that in this three-day tour event, the C919 aircraft will conduct static display in the dedicated apron area of the school for teachers and students representatives to board and experience.

During the tour, a series of colorful activities will also be held, including the corporate culture exhibition, alumni face-to-face communication, the screening of The Wings of Mankind - A Brief History of the World's Commercial Aircraft Development, the Large Aircraft Cup orienteering race, and the campus recruitment symposium, aiming to stimulate the love and concern of the majority of students for the large aircraft cause, enhance the understanding and recognition of the large aircraft cause, and jointly promote the vigorous development of China's aviation industry.
