Huawei Notes App Starts Crowd Test with New Features

TapTechNews May 22nd news, Huawei's Notes App started the application crowd test today. The version number is, and the installation package size is about 48 megabytes. It mainly improved the software function layout and provided a collection of materials.

According to the introduction, the Notes App is a handwritten note application provided by Huawei officially. The application has multiple built-in brushes and layout tools, aiming to help users freely record and depict creativity.

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TapTechNews attaches the following crowd test update contents this time:

Supports the switching between the content grid and the list on the note home page to enhance the user experience;

Provides a brand new cover classification and resources to provide users with more choices;

Adds a sticker function and provides a variety of sticker collections to enhance the user's hand account editing experience;

Adds a material market, providing a massive collection of online covers and stickers to enrich users' choices;

Supports the management of the opened note TAB list to facilitate users to switch and view the content and enhance the user experience;

Enhances the search function entrance in the note to the toolbar to facilitate users to search for content in the note.

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TapTechNews is supplementing the experience screenshots.
