Huawei to Issue 2024 First Phase Medium-Term Note

TapTechNews July 11th news, Huawei Investment Holding Co., Ltd. just released an announcement, declaring that it will publicly issue the Huawei Investment Holding Co., Ltd. 2024 First Phase Medium-Term Note in the national inter-bank bond market.

According to the introduction, the term of this debt financing instrument is 10 years, the issuance scale is 100 million yuan, there is no basic underwriting amount, and the subscription period is from 09:00 on July 12th to 18:00 on July 15th. This debt financing instrument is issued at face value, and the subscription range is 2.4% - 3.0%.

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Huawei's official website shows that Huawei currently has 3.5 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 25.506 billion yuan) in overseas bonds, all of which will expire in 2025; there are 46 billion yuan in domestic outstanding bonds.

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