ZhiJi Auto Releases ZhiJi L6 Deer Test Results

During tonight's press conference, ZhiJi Auto announced the test results of its latest model, the ZhiJi L6 deer test: 90.96km/h, with a minimum turning radius of 4.99m, claiming the title of 'Deer King'.

The new car comes standard with the Spirit Lizard digital chassis + smart four-wheel steering system. In addition to the above data, the car can also achieve one-click out-of-the-warehouse, side parking alignment, 80% reduction in skidding on single snow/water-covered roads, emergency evasion and obstacle avoidance, and other functions.

The car also supports super-large angle crab walking ability, and can achieve high-speed emergency evasion and obstacle avoidance. The official claims that it responds 30% faster than traditional ESP systems, providing more peace of mind in complex road conditions.

As of midnight today, ZhiJi L6 has received orders exceeding 29,000 units.

Last month, ZhiJi Auto also demonstrated a video of 'unmanned' deer testing: the deer test achieved 71km/h in unmanned driving mode.

The ZhiJi L6 new car launch conference is still ongoing. TapTechNews will bring detailed reports later.
