China's First Heavy-Duty Railway Hydrogen Refueling Station Starts Operation

TapTechNews on June 2nd, it is reported by CCTV News that China's first hydrogen refueling station for heavy-duty railways - the Batu Tower Hydrogen Refueling Station of the National Energy Group has been officially put into commercial operation, and the station is located in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia.

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It is learned by TapTechNews that this hydrogen refueling station mainly provides hydrogen refueling services for domestic high-power hydrogen energy shunting locomotives and hydrogen fuel cell + lithium battery power battery zero-emission catenary work vehicles.

The Batu Tower Hydrogen Refueling Station is equipped with the world's first low-temperature resistant automatic refueling hydrogen injection robot and high-flow hydrogen refueling machine independently developed and manufactured in China, which can realize all-weather continuous operation and high-flow automatic hydrogen refueling at a minimum of -25 °C (about -13 °F).

The hydrogen refueling capacity of the Batu Tower Hydrogen Refueling Station reaches 500 kilograms per day, and the hydrogen storage capacity is 800 kilograms. It can fill a hydrogen-powered locomotive completely in the fastest 30 minutes. The hydrogen fuel filled can make the locomotive operate continuously for 8 hours and the unloaded cruising range reaches 800 kilometers. It is expected that the annual carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by about 800 tons.
