Global Smartphone Shipments Report for Q2 2024 Growth and Trends

TapTechNews July 31st news, market research firm Canalys today released the global smartphone shipment report for the second quarter of 2024. The data shows that in the second quarter, the global smartphone market shipped 288.9 million units, a year-on-year increase of 12%, which is three consecutive quarters of positive growth.

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TapTechNews summarizes the specific data as follows:

Samsung continues to consolidate the first position with a shipment of 53.5 million units. Its high-end product line continues to drive the growth of shipment value, while the A series products ensure the overall shipment scale through 5G differentiation.

Apple held onto the second position with strong momentum in North America and Asia-Pacific, with a shipment of 45.6 million units.

Xiaomi approached Apple with a competitive product portfolio, with a shipment of 42.3 million units and a market share of 15%.

Vivo returned to the fourth position again with a shipment of 25.9 million units and a market share of 9%.

Transsion ranked fifth with a shipment of 25.5 million units and a market share of 9%.

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Canalys senior analyst Sanyam Chaurasia said that in the second half of the year, Apple and Samsung will focus on consolidating their long-term strategies in mature markets, while other brands have already prepared inventory in emerging markets due to the expected higher costs in the future. Samsung will undoubtedly focus on integrating its Galaxy ecosystem, and through the exclusive generative AI features of its flagship products, provide a strong value proposition for consumers. Apple will accelerate the upgrading demand of these mature markets by demonstrating its AI strategy, including hybrid models, enhanced privacy and personalized Siri functions. At the same time, Chinese local brands will use generative AI features to achieve differentiation in the high-end smartphone field.

The firm's senior analyst Zhu Jia-tao said that all major regions achieved growth in the second quarter, but continuing to provide competitive products will become challenging. This is because the stockpile of lower-priced components gradually depleted from the end of the first quarter, putting pressure on brands focusing on the mass market, as the hardware demand for large memory, screens and cameras remains high. After experiencing the long market downturn in the past, maintaining operational health remains the primary task of brands and channels.

