Xiaomi Motors' Updates and Q&A Door-to-Door Models, OTA, Delivery Centers, and More

TapTechNews August 7th news, Xiaomi Motors updated the 63rd episode of Xiaomi SU7 Q&A with Netizens early this morning, answering questions about whether to launch a door-to-door model, delivery center planning, and the Gaode map account in the car machine.

Xiaomi Motors Updates and Q&A Door-to-Door Models, OTA, Delivery Centers, and More_0

TapTechNews summarizes the Q&A content as follows:

Will Xiaomi Motors really launch a door-to-door designed model?

Xiaomi Motors insists on starting from the underlying core technology, investing ten times, and seriously building a good car. So we will see a lot of patent information related to Xiaomi Motors, including the door-to-door design is also one of the pre-research technology reserves of Xiaomi Motors. Technology reserves do not necessarily mean that it must be mass-produced, please refer to the official announcement for information.

The R & D cycle of automobiles is very long, and the application of new technologies needs to be laid out in advance. At the Xiaomi Motors technology conference at the end of 2023, we first shared with you the progress of Xiaomi Motors in battery packs, electric drives, large die-casting, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit, including many technologies or functions that have been mass-produced, are in mass production and pre-research.

On World Intellectual Property Day in 2024, we announced Xiaomi's technological innovation and intellectual property achievements: As of the end of 2023, Xiaomi's global authorized patents have exceeded 37,000, and there are still 30,000 that have been applied for and are under review.

In the latest OTA, the traffic light reminder function always reminds 1-2 seconds slower in actual use. Why is this?

The original intention of the traffic light reminder function is to remind when the driver is distracted and fails to start in time when following a car or waiting for a red light. When the driver is driving and starting normally, the reminder is not triggered. So it is not a function delay.

The traffic light reminder function includes red light reminder and green light start reminder. The system recognizes the lane marking and the state of the traffic light of this vehicle through the forward camera to judge the vehicle's driving direction intention. When the driver has a risk of running a red light or fails to start in time after the green light turns on, a reminder will be issued.

Green light start reminder: When stopped at a red light intersection and the traffic signal turns green and the vehicle does not start within a certain period of time (about 1.5s), the words Green light, please pass will be displayed on the central control screen and a sound reminder will be issued. Currently only supports some lanes with straight lane markings.

Here also to emphasize for everyone - the traffic light reminder function as a kind of safety auxiliary function, can not replace the driver's visual inspection. The driver needs to keep attention throughout the driving process to avoid over-reliance or misuse of this function to ensure driving safety. For more information about the traffic light reminder function, please refer to the user manual.

Does Xiaomi Motors have a new delivery center plan?

We are accelerating the construction of channels to bring more convenient car viewing, purchasing, delivering and using experiences to the majority of Mi fans as soon as possible.

It is expected that 53 delivery centers will be built by the end of 2024, basically covering most provincial capital cities.

At the same time, the construction of the de livery center in 2025 is also being planned, and you are welcome to leave more reference suggestions.

In which cases can't Xiao AI be woken up?

The in-vehicle Xiao AI can perform in-depth intelligent vehicle control in many scenarios, and one sentence can realize the interconnection of people, cars and homes.

In a few scenarios where there is a potential driving interference hazard, Xiao AI cannot be woken up normally, such as: when making and in a voice call, when using panoramic imaging, when using intelligent parking, when there is an alarm pop-up, when disabling the voice wake-up of the corresponding sound zone, and when not allowing access to the microphone permission.

Xiao AI as an artificial intelligence assistant has carried out very rigorous safety design to avoid causing driving safety risks while greatly improving the convenience of car use.

Can the Gaode map in the car machine log in to the same account as the mobile phone and use functions such as entering the license plate to avoid restrictions?

At present, it is recommended that users with restricted travel needs use the restricted travel reminder and planning to avoid restricted travel routes function of the mobile phone Gaode map, and plan the routes on the mobile phone and then transfer to the car, supporting the following two ways:

Send the route on the mobile phone map: On the route planning interface of the mobile phone Gaode map, click the car machine button on the lower left to send it to the car machine. (The same Gaode account needs to be logged in on the mobile phone and the car machine.)

XiaomiHyperOS navigation transfer: For users using the XiaomiHyperOS system, when you select points, plan routes, and initiate navigation in the Gaode map App on the mobile phone end, the map on the car machine end will be synchronized in real time. There is no need to perform any operation on the car machine end, and seamless transfer can be achieved. Even if relevant operations are performed outside the car before getting on the car, it can be automatically synchronized after getting on the car. (The same Xiaomi account needs to be logged in on the mobile phone and the car machine.)
