Dark Side of the Moon Preparing for US Market Entry

TapTechNews June 22nd news, foreign media TheInformation reported that Dark Side of the Moon is preparing to enter the US market.

An employee and another insider revealed, Company employees have been developing products to be launched in the US market, including an AI role-playing chat application Ohai that can be downloaded in Apple and Google mobile application stores and a music video generator Noisee.

In response to this, Dark Side of the Moon responded to Sina Technology today and said, We currently have no plans to develop and release any overseas products.

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The official website of Dark Side of the Moon shows that the company was founded in March 2023, dedicated to seeking the optimal solution of converting energy into intelligence and co-creating intelligence with users through products. In October 2023, it launched the world's first intelligent assistant product Kimi that supports inputting 200,000 Chinese characters. The core members of the founding team participated in the R & D of multiple large models such as Google Gemini, Google Bard, Pangu NLP, and Enlightenment, and many core technologies were adopted by mainstream products such as Google PaLM, MetaLLaMa, and StableDiffusion.

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On May 21st of this year, Undercurrent Waves reported that Dark Side of the Moon is undergoing a new round of financing, and the latest round of valuation quotation has reached 3 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 21.846 billion yuan).

On May 24th, Alibaba's financial report showed that the company invested a total of about 800 million US dollars (currently about 5.826 billion yuan) in Dark Side of the Moon in fiscal year 2024, purchasing about 36% of the equity, which is a preferred stock investment in Dark Side of the Moon.
