Talent Battle Among Chip Giants NVIDIA at the Center

TapTechNews June 20. According to the report of ChosunDaily on the 19th, major chip enterprises are engaging in a talent battle centered around NVIDIA, aiming to dominate the AI chip market.

Currently, NVIDIA is attracting core chip talents from all over the world. According to LinkedIn data, among the employees who joined NVIDIA, 515 are from Samsung Electronics, and 278 employees who joined Samsung Electronics are from NVIDIA.

NVIDIA is also currently experiencing brain drain. It is reported that the number of employees in the DS department of Samsung Electronics' chip business unit is 74,000, which is 2.5 times that of NVIDIA's 30,000. If estimated based on the employees who joined LinkedIn, in the chip business department of Samsung Electronics, the proportion of NVIDIA-origin is only 0.4%, while in NVIDIA, the proportion of Samsung Electronics-origin is 1.7%.

The 'talent battle' among Samsung and other chip enterprises such as Intel, Micron, and TSMC is also fierce. TapTechNews summarizes the data as follows:

Among Intel employees, 848 are from Samsung Electronics; among Samsung Electronics employees, 1138 are from Intel.

Among Micron employees, 205 are from Samsung Electronics; among Samsung Electronics employees, 307 are from Micron.

Among Samsung Electronics employees, 195 are from TSMC; among TSMC employees, 24 are from Samsung Electronics.

The manpower loss of SK Hynix is relatively severe. Among the NVIDIA employees who joined the LinkedIn platform, 38 are from SK Hynix, but there is no opposite case - that is to say, SK Hynix has not poached any employees from NVIDIA. Currently, SK Hynix is supplying AI chips - High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) to NVIDIA.
