DeepBlue S07 SUV's Interior Details Disclosed by TapTechNews

TapTechNews July 10th news, DeepBlue Automobile tonight disclosed detailed information about the interior of the DeepBlue S07 midsize SUV.

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DeepBlue S07 will offer three interior color options of Starfield Green, Shining Shadow Black, and Heat Wave Orange, and is equipped with advanced leather perforated seats.

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In addition, the cockpit of DeepBlue S07 adopts a yacht-style wraparound design and is equipped with a 64-color wraparound ambient light.

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The central armrest of S07 is also wrapped with skin-friendly leather, and the wireless charging area is more anti-slip and has a delicate touch.

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TapTechNews noticed that DeepBlue S07 will also be equipped with AR-HUD holographic augmented reality system.

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DeepBlue Automobile will share more information about the intelligent cockpit of the S07 model in the future.

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