Meta's LaJolla High-End VR Headset Project

TapTechNews June 19th, according to The Information, Meta started the research and development of the high-end VR headset project codenamed LaJolla back in November 2023.

Metas LaJolla High-End VR Headset Project_0

TapTechNews noticed that the main content of the report is that Apple suspends the development of VisionPro2 headset to focus on launching a cheaper headset by the end of next year. But the report also mentioned that Meta started the research and development of a new high-end headset in November last year, with the internal code name of LaJolla.

The name LaJolla has appeared before. In March 2023, The Verge exposed an internal hardware roadmap of Meta, which not only accurately described products such as Quest3, but also revealed that the QuestPro2 project originally scheduled for 2024 was cancelled and replaced by a more ambitious but far-reaching project codenamed LaJolla. According to this roadmap, LaJolla will be equipped with a higher resolution display, support the CodecAvatars realistic avatar technology, and continue the rear battery design of QuestPro.

It is reported that Mark Rabkin, vice president of Meta's VR department, said: We hope to make it have a higher resolution in order to be convenient for work use, especially to achieve the ultimate in terms of text display and so on.

It is currently unclear how the cooperation with LG will affect the LaJolla project, or whether it is a completely different project. Many South Korean media have been reporting since last September that LG will manufacture future QuestPro headsets, but last month LG said it was controlling the release pace, and there have been multiple reports that the release of the headset was postponed to 2027 due to significant differences between LG and Meta.

The new report of The Information did not mention when Meta plans to release LaJolla, but the leaked roadmap in March 2023 described it as way out in the future, suggesting that we may still have to wait for a while.
