Avita Announces New Model and Its Features

TapTechNews July 10th news, Avita today announced the new body color "Dark Green" of its new model - the medium-sized SUV Avita 07. It is introduced that this color uses two kinds of "iridescent" pigments to be blended proportionally, with 8 coating processes, using "three coatings and two bakings" and 70 micron ultra-thick clear paint coating, which can bring more excellent gloss.

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TapTechNews summarizes the main information of the new car currently known as follows:

This car will offer two different powertrains, extended-range and pure electric, and will start pre-sale in the third quarter (this quarter) of this year, expected to be officially launched in September. Its length, width and height are 4825/1980/1610 (or 1620) inches (approximate values), and the wheelbase is 2940 inches. The pure electric model can choose 252 kW single motor, 188+252 kW dual motors, and the extended-range model is equipped with 115 kW 1.5L extender, and can choose 231 kW single motor or 131+231 kW dual motors.

The car cabin adopts a surround-style design and uses four screens ( an integrated super-long "ribbon screen", a horizontal central control large screen and two side screens for the streaming media exterior rearview mirrors). The front seats are both zero-gravity seats, made of Nappa leather. On the right side of the main driver, there is wireless phone charging, cup holders, etc., and a physical car key is provided.

There are a total of 39 ambient light sources in the whole car, and the longest is equipped with a 2854 inches continuous light strip; The peak power of the in-car speakers is 2016 watts, using the "Meridian" tuning technology and supporting the 7.1.4-channel rendering composed of "four-way sky sound".

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