JD.com's Internal Changes and Responses

On the afternoon of May 24th, recently, a series of changes such as internal attendance adjustment, shortening of lunch break time, personnel optimization, and 'eight issues' in JD.com have aroused concerns.

Sina Technology exclusively investigated and understood from many JD.com employees and executives, basically restoring the reasons for attendance adjustment and the truth.

One: Is the attendance adjustment true? Why adjust?

The attendance adjustment released internally by JD.com is true, and the adjustment range includes shortening the lunch break from two hours to one hour and not turning off the lights during the lunch break.

This adjustment is that the management reflected on the mistakes in the company's management in the past 4 or 5 years, admitting that there is a 'big enterprise disease' in the JD.com group system, and there are serious problems in management, especially a great slack in hard work.

In recent years, JD.com has faced a fierce external competitive environment, and the growth rate of JD.com has dropped significantly, while other Internet companies have implemented the attendance of '11+11+6', and the performance has increased rapidly.

Two: Why strengthen the punch card mechanism? Is there layoff?

The stricter punch card mechanism is true. It is understood that there has been a phenomenon of surrogate punch cards in JD.com for many years, from interns to regular employees, and even a large number of surrogate punch cards have occurred, which has reached a situation that has to be rectified.

'There is an employee who has surrogate punched cards for nearly a hundred days in a year, leaves work at 4 o'clock every day, but can get the full salary, and some interns don't even come for two months, but by surrogate punching cards, they cheated the company out of 15,000 wages.' A JD.com employee told Sina Technology, and it is heard that the number of surrogate punch card times counted internally is nearly 10,000 times per month.

JD.com did fire employees with serious surrogate punch card phenomena and those who have long-term poor performance but are not willing to work hard and still have no performance improvement. The executive said that JD.com is quite tolerant to employees, especially old employees, and there is even a saying that getting a 'get out of jail free card' after being in JD.com for three years. Employees with poor performance and low willingness to work hard are retained. The company believes that to some extent, it is similar to a 'tate-owned enterprise', and some employees are very slack, and even the situation of coming to work at 10 o'clock in the morning and leaving work at 4 o'clock in the afternoon occurs frequently. And as this situation becomes more and more common, it causes the combat effectiveness of JD.com to drop sharply, and another direct consequence of this situation is that 'bad money drives out good money', and many diligent and hardworking employees choose to leave due to unfairness. This time, it is only a small number of employees with similar situations as mentioned above, and there is absolutely no large-scale layoff due to business adjustment.

Three: Why shorten the lunch break time? Why not allow turning off the lights?

Many employees who joined JD.com from other Internet companies think that except for JD.com, almost no Internet company has a lunch break as long as two hours, and even turns off the lights to sleep. The management of JD.com is very loose compared to other Internet companies, and many employees don't start to resume work in the afternoon until 2:30, more like a state-owned enterprise.

In the interview process, it was also found that there are indeed individual cases of overtime and extended lunch break the next day, but this proportion is relatively low, and overall, most employees are in normal working hours. Previously, at the working time of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a large proportion of employees in the JD.com group were slee ping with the lights off.

Previously, there have also been disputes about turning off the lights. In the past few years in the JD.com group office area, if there is a need for a nap, the lights can be turned off by oneself, but more and more cases have been complained to due to different opinions on turning off the lights among different departments, so JD.com uniformly stipulates that no lights can be turned off.

Four: Is JD.com's 'eight items' true? The public relations agency has filed a case for investigating rumors.

Recently, an employee revealed that JD.com released eight notices, listing various new assessment regulations, among which the eighth item is to encourage employees to report the phenomenon of not being committed to work around them, causing a big uproar. The JD.com executive said that all eight items are rumors, and the company has reported this rumor to the police for handling, and received feedback this afternoon that the public security organ has begun to file a case for investigation.

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The executive said that due to the loose and poor management in the past few years, the company has developed slowly in the fierce competitive environment, the performance development has not reached the expected level, and there have been serious problems in the corporate culture of some major business sectors, as well as the situation of the long-term depressed stock price. Now the management action is to 'end the fold after the sheep have been stolen'. In the opinion of this executive, although this adjustment will experience some pain, it is conducive to stimulating the work enthusiasm of internal employees and providing a fair environment for employees and teams willing to work hard.

For this JD.com adjustment, some external people said that from the perspective of management and development, for JD.com with more than 600,000 employees, in responding to the current fierce industry competition, this is a timely self-correction and a process of eliminating 'bad money drives out good money'.
