Core Ultra200V Series LunarLake Processor Appears in Geekbench

TapTechNews June 26, after the specific model lineup was exposed, the Core Ultra200V series LunarLake processor appeared in the Geekbench跑分 database.

The specific model for this benchmark is Core Ultra7268V, adopting a 4+4 core configuration, equipped with 32GB of memory, and achieved a single-core maximum of 2739 points and a multi-core maximum of 10036 points in two tests.

Core Ultra200V Series LunarLake Processor Appears in Geekbench_0

Core Ultra200V Series LunarLake Processor Appears in Geekbench_1

The system information read by Geekbench shows that the Core Ultra7268V processor uses the balanced mode for this benchmark, and the maximum frequency it reaches is 4887 MHz and has a 12MB L3 cache.

Core Ultra200V Series LunarLake Processor Appears in Geekbench_2

TapTechNews previously reported that the complete product line specifications of the Core Ultra200V series processors have been exposed, and the consumer products are expected to go on sale from September 17 to 24.

Core Ultra200V Series LunarLake Processor Appears in Geekbench_3

According to Intel, LunarLake is positioned as the flagship processor of the next-generation AIPC, which will bring:

Breakthrough x86 energy efficiency: The SoC power consumption is reduced by up to 40%.

Excellent core performance: Approximate single-core performance, half the power consumption.

Great progress in core display performance: 1.5x core display performance.

Up to 120 TOPS total platform AI computing power.
