Li Xiang MEGA Owner's Account Locked, Bluetooth Key Disabled

TapTechNews June 12th news, a Li Xiang MEGA owner posted on Xiaohongshu, claiming: His account was suddenly locked by the Li Xiang community administrator, resulting in the inability to unlock the vehicle with the mobile phone Bluetooth key.

Subsequently, the owner said that his account was locked by the community administrator without having posted any improper remarks, resulting in the inability to unlock the vehicle with the mobile phone Bluetooth key.

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To this, Li Xiang Automobile responded that this account had triggered the risk management and control program in the Li Xiang Automobile App, and would systematically limit the abnormal operations of non-primary vehicle control accounts, suspending the permission of this account to log in to the Li Xiang Automobile App. The original intention of this setting is to avoid the disturbance caused by malicious accounts such as 'advertising and marketing' frequently following Li Xiang users, but in this event, it 'accidentally injured' the account authorized by the owner's family.

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TapTechNews attached the full text of Li Xiang Automobile's response:

Recently, we received feedback from a Li Xiang user: The Li Xiang Automobile App account shared to the family was locked, resulting in the inability to use the mobile phone Bluetooth key function. After investigation, this account triggered the risk management and control program in the Li Xiang Automobile App, and would systematically limit the abnormal operations of non-primary vehicle control accounts, suspending the permission of this account to log in to the Li Xiang Automobile App. The original intention of this setting is to avoid the disturbance caused by malicious accounts such as 'advertising and marketing' frequently following Li Xiang users, but in this event, it 'accidentally injured' the account authorized by the owner's family. After receiving the feedback, we restored the normal login of the family account shared by this user at the first time. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to this user.

To avoid the recurrence of such incidents, we have completed the optimization of the permission of family-authorized vehicle control-associated accounts to avoid being 'accidentally injured' by the risk identification program. Thanks to the attention of Li Xiang users, and everyone is welcome to feedback product opinions and suggestions to us through various channels to help us continue to grow.

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