OpenAI's ChatGPT Memory Function Has a Vulnerability in PC Version

TapTechNews September 27th news, OpenAI announced in February this year to launch the Memory function for ChatGPT, and this function was officially opened to all users in early September this year. The main purpose of this function is to'set defaults', so as to help the AI provide more in line with the needs of users answers.

However, researcher JohannRehberger currently disclosed a report, stating that there is a vulnerability in the PC version of the ChatGPT client for this function, and hackers can use the vulnerability to obtain users' conversation records.

TapTechNews learned that JohannRehberger called this vulnerability SpAIware. He said that hackers can make victims upload specific files/specific URLs in the PC version of the ChatGPT client through phishing form for the AI to analyze. Once the analysis is successful, the AI will'remember to share the subsequent conversation content of the user to the hacker'. Currently, OpenAI has released a new version of the application for patching.

OpenAI's ChatGPT Memory Function Has a Vulnerability in PC Version_0

OpenAI's ChatGPT Memory Function Has a Vulnerability in PC Version_1
