Alibaba's Wu Yongming on the Dominance and Future of AI in Computing

TapTechNews September 19th news, at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Yunqi Conference held today, Wu Yongming, director and CEO of Alibaba Group and chairman and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, said, "In the新增 computing power market and computing power demand, more than 50% or more of the demand is now driven by AI, and the penetration of AI computing power has exceeded 50% and has taken a dominant position, and this trend will continue to expand in the future."

Alibabas Wu Yongming on the Dominance and Future of AI in Computing_0

"AI computing is accelerating its evolution and becoming the dominant part of the entire computing system. Whether it is the computing on the end side or in the cloud, this is a very obvious trend. The reconfiguration of the digital world and the physical world by generative AI will bring fundamental changes to the computing architecture." Wu Yongming said, "The computing system dominated by CPUs in the past few decades is accelerating to be pulled by the AI computing system dominated by GPUs, and in the future, almost all software and hardware will have reasoning capabilities, and their computing cores will become a computing mode with GPUAI computing power as the main and CPU computing power as the auxiliary."

"In industries such as automobiles, biomedicine, industrial simulation, weather prediction, educational enterprise software, mobile Anh, games, etc., AI computing is accelerating its penetration. Invisible emerging industrial revolutions in all walks of life are quietly evolving. All industries need computing infrastructure with stronger performance, larger scale, and more adaptable to AI needs." Wu Yongming said.

Wu Yongming said, "Alibaba Cloud is investing in AI technology research and development and infrastructure construction with an unprecedented intensity. Our single-network cluster expansion has expanded to the level of 100,000 cards, and is rebuilding advanced AI infrastructure for the future from all aspects such as chips, servers, network storage, power supply data centers, etc.".

Wu Yongming also said: "In the past year, the call price of Tongyi Qianwen API on Alibaba Cloud Bailian has decreased by 97%, and the lowest cost of calling millions of tokens has dropped to 50 cents. Alibaba Cloud will strive to continue to reduce the cost." "Last year, the mathematical ability of the large model was only at the level of a middle school student, and today it has reached the level of an international Olympic gold medal, and has achieved a level close to that of a doctoral student in many aspects such as physics, chemistry, and biology. At the same time, the reasoning cost of the model has decreased exponentially, which has far exceeded Moore's Law."

TapTechNews noticed that Wu Yongming believes that the greatest imagination of AI is not on the mobile phone screen, but to change the physical world. "In the past 22 months, the development speed of AI has exceeded any historical period, but it is still in the early stage of the AGI revolution. The greatest imagination of generative AI is by no means to make one or two new super apps on the mobile phone screen, but to take over the digital world and change the physical world."
