Samsung Electronics Announces 2024 Q2 Performance Guidance with Positive Growth

TapTechNews July 5th news, Samsung Electronics has recently announced the performance guidance for the second quarter of 2024.

Samsung Electronics expects the consolidated turnover in the second quarter to reach 73 to 75 trillion Korean won, median 74 trillion Korean won (TapTechNews note: currently about 390.054 billion Chinese yuan). The consolidated operating profit is about 10.3 to 10.5 trillion Korean won, median 10.4 trillion Korean won (currently about 54.818 billion Chinese yuan).

Samsung Electronics generally announces the performance guidance for the previous quarter in the first ten days of the next month after the end of the quarter, and announces the official financial report at the end of the next month after the end of the quarter (the official financial report for the first quarter of this year was announced on April 30th).

Samsung Electronics Announces 2024 Q2 Performance Guidance with Positive Growth_0

In the first quarter of 2024, Samsung Electronics achieved a turnover of 71.92 trillion Korean won and generated an operating profit of 6.61 trillion Korean won. The turnover in the second quarter of 2024 increased by 2.89%环比 (month-on-month), and the operating profit increased by 57.34%环比 (month-on-month).

In the second quarter of 2023, Samsung Electronics achieved a turnover of 60.01 trillion Korean won and generated an operating profit of 0.67 trillion Korean won. The turnover in the second quarter of 2024 increased by 23.31%同比 (year-on-year), and the operating profit increased by 1452.34%同比 (year-on-year).

Affected by the positive financial data, as of the time of writing, the share price of Samsung Electronics is 85,800 Korean won per share, up 1.42% compared to the closing price of 84,600 Korean won yesterday (4).