Apple's Redesign of Tab Bar in iPadOS 18

TapTechNews June 14 news, in the iPadOS 18 system update, Apple redesigned the tab bar experience of many applications such as Podcasts, Apple TV and Apple Music.

 Apples Redesign of Tab Bar in iPadOS 18_0

The tab bar of the above applications was previously located at the bottom of the interface. After the iPadOS 18 update, in the portrait usage state, the tab bar is now located at the top of these applications, closer to other navigation controls, while in the landscape mode, a customizable sidebar will appear.

 Apples Redesign of Tab Bar in iPadOS 18_1

Apple said that placing the tab bar between the top of the application and other navigation controls can reduce the horizontal and vertical space occupied by the interface and allow users to focus more on the content.

TapTechNews learned from the report that Apple also optimized the sidebar in the application to assist users in navigating the application and quickly accessing the destination page to match the new tab bar.

Users can customize the sidebar and tab bar according to their preferences. Users can now drag and drop items from the sidebar to the fixed area of the tab bar to access their favorite content more quickly.

Some items in the tab bar are fixed. For example, in the TV application, the Home, TV+, MLS, and Store tabs are always available, and at the end of the fixed part, the search option is always there. It is worth noting that when the application runs horizontally, the tab bar disappears.
