China's State Council Issues Opinions on Accelerating Green Transformation with Focus on Transport and Energy

TapTechNews August 11th news, today the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of the Economic and Social Development.

TapTechNews noticed that in the part of promoting the green transformation of transportation, the Opinions proposed to promote low-carbon transportation tools. Vigorously promote new energy vehicles, push for the electrification replacement of urban public service vehicles. Promote ships, aircraft, and non-road mobile machinery to adopt clean power, accelerate the elimination of old transportation tools, promote zero-emission freight transportation, strengthen the research and application of sustainable aviation fuel, and encourage the research and production and application of net-zero emission marine fuel. By 2030, the carbon emission intensity per unit converted turnover of operating transportation tools will decrease by about 9.5% compared to 2020. By 2035, new energy vehicles will become the mainstream of newly sold vehicles.

Chinas State Council Issues Opinions on Accelerating Green Transformation with Focus on Transport and Energy_0

The Opinions also proposed to build green transportation infrastructure. Enhance the green and intelligent level of newly-built stations, airports, docks, and expressway facilities, promote the energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation and upgrading of existing transportation infrastructure, build a number of low-carbon (near-zero carbon) stations, airports, docks, and expressway service areas, and develop photovoltaic along expressways according to local conditions. Improve the infrastructure network such as charging (swapping) stations, hydrogen (alcohol) stations, and shore power, and accelerate the construction of urban intelligent transportation management systems. Improve the urban-rural logistics distribution system and promote the green and intelligent transformation of the distribution mode. Further implement the priority development strategy of urban public transportation and improve the service level of public transportation. Strengthen the construction of urban slow-moving systems such as pedestrian walkways and bicycle lanes.

In the part of steadily promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, the Opinions proposed to vigorously develop non-fossil energy. Accelerate the construction of clean energy bases such as wind power and photovoltaic in the northwest, hydropower in the southwest, offshore wind power, and coastal nuclear power, actively develop distributed photovoltaic and decentralized wind power, develop new energies such as biomass energy, geothermal energy, and ocean energy according to local conditions, and promote the whole-chain development of hydrogen energy production-storage-transportation-application. Coordinate hydropower development and ecological protection and promote the integrated development of water, wind, and light. Actively and safely develop nuclear power in an orderly manner, and maintain a reasonable layout and a stable construction rhythm. By 2030, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will increase to about 25%.
