8 Underage Children Mysteriously Appear Under One's Household Registration in Danyang, Jiangsu

TapTechNews August 11th news, according to the media Read Special News report, on August 8th, a netizen爆料 that when his mother returned to her hometown in Danyang City, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province to handle the property transfer, it was found that there were as many as 8 underage children under the household registration.

8 Underage Children Mysteriously Appear Under Ones Household Registration in Danyang, Jiangsu_0

According to the ID card information, the surnames of the 8 attached children are different, the oldest was born in 2007 and the youngest was born in 2019, and they are all non-local ID numbers.

Among the 8 'children', three are from Anhui, one is from Henan, and four are from other cities in Jiangsu, and the surnames are different. The oldest was born in August 2007 and the youngest was born in November 2019, ranging in age from 4 to 17 years old.

In this regard, the netizen suspected that it might be for snagging the degree, The house in the hometown has a relatively good school district, and we are often in other places. We wouldn't know if it weren't for this transfer.

Regarding the nature of the house, the netizen said that his family's property is a self-built ancestral house in the urban village in the center of the local city, and there is absolutely no rental situation.

On August 9th, the netizen's mother went to the local police station in the jurisdiction where the household registration is located to verify. However, the paper household registration issued by the police station did not show any children, only his mother alone, which is inconsistent with the information seen in the housing management bureau system on the 8th. The local police station clearly stated that there is no problem with the household registration management, the 8 children on the household registration have not been found in the local household registration management system, and it has now been handed over to the housing management bureau for verification.

TapTechNews learned from the reference news that after the media reporter called the Danyang City Real Estate Registration Center, the staff said, I haven't heard of it. We handle real estate business and don't care about household registration. To check family information, how many children there are, it is all checked by the tax system.

Later, the staff called back and said that after consulting with tax colleagues, it was learned that someone in the client's family is a collective household registration, so other families' children will be found. The client's transfer procedures have been completed and have not had any impact on her.

But when the reporter pressed why the 8 children are all non-local ID cards, the staff member said, It may be that migrant workers are registered in the unit collective, and the specific situation is not very clear.
