Nepal Lifts TikTok Ban with Conditions

TapTechNews August 23rd news, according to the Nepalese Kathmandu Post, the Nepalese government lifted the ban on TikTok that lasted for nearly nine months on Thursday local time.

Nepalese Minister of Communications and Information Technology Prithvi Subba Gurun said: The government has decided to allow TikTok to resume operation, but certain conditions must be met.

Now TikTok must meet four conditions to resume operation in Nepal, which TapTechNews summarizes as follows:

Help promote Nepalese tourism

Invest in digital literacy efforts

Help improve the public education system

Regulate the language used on TikTok

He said: After TikTok assured the government that it will fulfill these conditions, we have in principle decided to allow TikTok to resume operation in Nepal.

For this decision of Nepal to lift the ban, TikTok said it was satisfied.

In November last year, the Nepalese government decided to ban TikTok, claiming that it damaged the social harmony of Nepal. Subsequently, sporadic street protests broke out in Nepal, and TikTok users believed that the ban cut off their source of income. The Nepalese Internet Service Providers Association said that TikTok had 2.2 million users in Nepal at that time.
